10am Christmas Eve Morning Worship, 12-24-23


Welcome & Announcements

Call to Worship—Lighting of the Fourth Candle

Opening Prayer (Unison)—Lord we pray for your light to overcome our darkness, we pray for your way that leads to life, to intercept our pathways that lead only to self-destruction.  Lord, we pray that as you come to us as an innocent child, we would open our hearts to receive you not as a mere child, but as our righteous King.  That we may truly see one another as sisters and brothers.  Come Jesus Come we pray.  Amen.                   

Hymn UMH #230—O Little Town of Bethlehem

Children’s Message—Rev. Bryan McClain

1st Scripture Reading—Luke 1:46-55 (NRSV)

Anthem—Chancel Choir—Away in a Manger/Silent Night

2nd Scripture Reading—Luke 1:26-38 (NRSV)

Message—“Becoming God-Bearers”—Rev. Bryan McClain

Act of Worship—Nicene Creed UMH P. 880

Offertory / Doxology UMH #95   

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer    

Hymn UMH #245—The First Noel

